- Glowing every shade - 2% Niacinamide, effectively blocks melanin to make skin glow.
- Safe essence with safe sheet
- Hypoallergenic test completed & free of 20 harmful compounds.
- Triple hyaluronic acid for moisturizing
- Immediate soothing effect with 3 herbs, a combination of Chrysanthemum Zawadskii, Chinese Liquorice and Selaginella lepidophylla soothes sensitive skin
Pure fermented compounds cleanses skin
Galactomyces filtrate provides a perfect solution for exfoliation, pore care and oil-moisture balance for your skin.
Youthful glow skin from only one sheet of mask!
Dual function of Glowing and Moisturizing
Glutathione for glowing skin.
Full of nutrition and glow of the clear essence